One Bellevue Center

Bellevue, WA

Curtainwall maintenance.

Evolution has completed several successful projects over the years at One Bellevue Center. One that was particularly outstanding was the curtainwall maintenance campaign. Evolution performed an inspection of the exterior curtainwall on the tower. We determined that the glazing gaskets needed either replacement or repair by silicone wet seal.

After meeting with the owners to determine the desired scope of repair, we prepared a full RFP package for contractors, including specifications, description of work, and bid forms for competitive bidding. A bid comparison was presented to the owners, and we assisted with selecting a winner.

The contractor mobilized their crew and equipment to the property, and work began. Evolution directed and/or performed mock-ups, material testing, and regular site inspections. Throughout construction, reports were generated with photos documenting the work. The reports included job site cleanliness, safety, performance testing, warranty criteria documentation, aesthetics, and all other pertinent inspection items. The project was completed on time and within budget.


• Exterior curtainwall assessment
• Design services for comprehensive curtainwall maintenance campaign
• Plaza leak assessment and mapping
• Water testing known leak locations
• Design and repair solicitation for bidders


Bellevue, WA

One Bellevue Center
One Bellevue Center exterior


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