1201 Third Avenue Plaza

Seattle, WA

Revitalizing an aging plaza.

Evolution Architecture was retained by Wright Runstad for the full replacement and upgrade of this original plaza’s waterproofing. Early project definitions and investigations uncovered several of the major steel supports needed to be addressed and repaired, and underlying conditions corrected to ensure the longevity of the plaza substructure.

A cost-effective implementation of the original paving pattern was an important goal for the owner. Our solution included the careful and creative development of design alternatives, a long-lasting and cost-effective stone, and a concrete paver tile pattern that closely reflected the original.


Plaza Restoration


Seattle, WA


Abbott Construction


Wright Runstad & Co

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Advance planning by the owner, paired with careful documentation and coordination by the project team, allowed several unique public art pieces to be temporarily stored remotely. The pieces were reinstalled in the refreshed plaza on a rejuvenated base support structure. These art pieces are significant features of the public space and were a fundamental aspect of executing the project.


Rainier Tower Plaza

Seattle High Rise Plaza Restoration

Two Union Square Courtyard

Plaza Architectural Design & Restoration